You’ve set up an online business and are already seeing the orders come flying in. You’re preparing to ship out the products, meaning you’ve got to pack loads of shipping boxes. They’re fairly plain – but you don’t give this much thought. A shipping box is just a box, right? The product is inside, complete with the packaging you spent so long designing. Does it truly matter if you use standard shipping boxes with no branding whatsoever?
Yes – and we’ll explain why.
Branded shipping boxes will serve to promote your company. Think of all the times when these shipping boxes could be seen by other members of the public. Maybe someone lives in an apartment complex and their order is placed by the postboxes in the lobby. Everyone in the building would see your small business brand if you customized the shipping box.
Likewise, what if someone wants to use your shipping box to send other products back or to sell things on sites like Etsy or Vinted? If you branded the box, they’re technically promoting your company for you! Stuff like this is important to build an image and gain recognition – so how can you customize shipping boxes for improved branding?
Fully Custom-Made Boxes
This is the obvious idea, though it won’t be suitable for everyone. You can find services that’ll emblazoned custom shipping boxes with your branding. This could mean having uniquely colorful boxes, seeing your logo printed on the cardboard, etc.
It’s an excellent option – but it’s very expensive. If you’re looking to save money in your small business, this probably isn’t the move to make. Save it for when you’re earning more money and can find room for an investment like this in your budget.
Branded Tape
A far more cost-effective option is to take standard shipping boxes and add your branding to them. This saves money, and you can use branded packaging tape to complete the look. All shipping boxes need to be taped up for added security and protection, but why bother with boring brown packing tape when you can create some with your brand name and logo?
The most clear example of this is Amazon. If you order anything from the website, it comes with that black packing tape and the blue Amazon logo. Everyone knows where a package like this comes from – and that’s what you hope to do with your branded tape. Build brand recognition through the colors and your logo while saving a ton of money.
Branded Stickers
This can go alongside the branded packaging tape, or on its own depending on how much money you wish to spend. Loads of small businesses create branded stickers to put on their shipping boxes. It’s a fun and unconventional way of jazzing up the shipping box while making people aware of your brand.
The way you customize shipping boxes is entirely up to you. Maybe you use one of these ideas – or perhaps you combine them! Regardless, they help you boost your brand image and passively promote your company without blowing through your marketing budget.